Tabor College Resources, Hillsboro, Kansas

Peggy Goertzen, Director, Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies at Tabor College inHillsboro, Kansas, 67063 sends information on their collection. They have "extensivematerials relating to Germans from Russia, especially Mennonites, as well as excellent MarionCounty, Kansas records, including the township resident lists for each township in the countyfrom 1892 to 1950. In addition to the basic sources of Karl Stumpff, B. H. Unruh, and HorstPenner, we have several thousand biographical files which are arranged alphabetically and canbe requested from staff; we also have extensive obituary and subject files which have beenindexed and arranged alphabetically. Our collections also include many German and Englishnewspapers for this county and the Mennonite network, which contain much historical andgenealogical information, including obituaries, as well as Marion County, KS census from 1875to 1920, ship lists, family histories, locality histories, etc.Mennonite emigrants comprised thelargest percentage of settlers in Marion County, but many others from the Volga, Don andGrunau regions also settled here. It is not unusual to see obituaries for deceased born in Huck,Frank, Dreispitz, Tscherbakowka, Saratov, etc. Usage is on a donation basis. We are openMonday through Friday 9-12 and 1:30-4, with reduced hours in summer. Phone ahead. The number is (316) 947-3121.

"We also sell a book of vital statistics from the Vorwaerts for the year 1912, containingnotices of birth, marriage, emigration and death for Protestant Germans and Germans fromRussia all over the US and Canada. Cost is $20 plus $2.25 postage. Fully indexed, 100 pages. Asecond volume covering the year 1913 is two-thirds completed." Additional publications areavailable for purchase.

One AHSGR member writes that she and her husband have been reading old German newspapers at the Tabor College Family Research Center and found additional documentation on their family.

Lower Volga Project
Of Interest
[Lower Volga Project] [Dobrinka] [Dubovka] [Dreispitz] [Galka] [Holstein] [Kraft] [Mueller] [Shcherbakovka] [Schwab] [Stephan] [Of Interest] [Obituaries]
Of Interest