The 1798 census listed 223 male inhabitants and 209 females comprising 68 familes. All were of the Lutheran faith and part of the Stephan parish. All of the inhabitants were engaged in farming. There were two metal smiths, a blacksmith, three shoemakers, four weavers and several tailors.
The population of Kraft declined to 2,759 by 1926. David R. Schultheiss, born 1913 in Kraft, wrote an article about the village entitled Kraft: My Birthplace and Hometown as I Remember it. The article appeared in the AHSGR Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring 1987.
By clicking on the photo on the left, you will open a larger photo of Kraft taken on Oct 8, 1942. It is a reproduction of a captured WW II German photo now in the National Archives. The stream Grasnukha flows from a north-east direction and separates the villages of Goebel (lower left) and Kraft (lower right). With the help of the map of Kraft by David Schulteiss in the Spring 1987 AHSGR Journal, one can pick out landmarks of Kraft. This photo may take a few seconds to load.
Dick Bowland, visited the Lower Volga area in 1995. Dick shares his pictures and experiences. The person in the picture on the left is the tour organizer. Kraft is in the background.
Kraft Families
Reicherts of Kraft
Schimpf/ Hopp Family from Dobrinka & Kraft
Kraft Surnames in 1767 census.
Af, Baltzer, Barbakh, Baets, Benkel, Bicher, Boehm, Bot, Breit, Brotsman, Ebirlink, Eizer, Endrikh, Ek, Ens, Erikh, Ert, Felter, Frank
Gan, Hellwig, Karg, Khokh, Khop, Khrots, Koberkh, Kraft, Krep, Lauta, Lauterbach, Lind, Luft, Mann, Mioller, Neb, Pertorom, Pfeifer, Reibert (Reichert), Reksibik, Rot, Ruehl
Sauer, Schmidt, Schneider, Schultz, Schwab, Schwindt, Seib, Shinf, Shmit, Shneider, Shreiner, Shrib, Shturts (Sterts?), Shultes, Sinert, Sinner, Sprengel, Stein, Taubert, Tempel, Tempil, Tson, Unger, Veimert, Veitzel, Volf (Wolf), Will.
Kraft Surnames in the 1798 Census.
Albrecht, Becker, Beisel, Bem, Bender, Berkle, Bertram, Betger, Betram (Bertram), Betger (Böttger), Betz, Binder, Bischoff, Block, Born, Bott, Bran(d)t, Brekeser, Brester (Prester), Brotzmann, Bukhgamer, Busch, Eberhard, Eg (Eck, Och?), Ekart (Eckhardt), Emel?, Englehardt, Farbakhk, Faurbakh, Felker (Volker), Fischer, Folker, Frank, Fritseler (Fritzler), Funk
Gaist (Geist), Gas (Haas), Gek (Heck?), Gelfdebain, Gen (Henne?), Genshing, Ginter (Gunter), Gofel (Hofele), Gop (Hopp), Gorsch, Gotz, Gross, Guttman, Hancschuh, Helwig, Helzer, Ipgefer (Iphofer?), Jakel, Kal (Kohl?), Karg (Karch), Keller, Kimel (Kummel), Kin (Kuhn), Kleis, Koch, Kohlberg, Kraft, Kramer, Kretz(Kretz), Kuhn, Lang, Lerch, Liebers, Lind, Liver (Liever?), Liz (Lies?), Lotz, Luft
Maier, Mak (Mack?), Muller, Neb (Nab), Ninshtil (Nunstill?), Reichert, Reinwald, Reksius (Rexius), Repp, Rieger, Riegert, Ruppel, Saip (Seib), Schafer, Schimper, Schlotthauer, Schmidt, Schneider, Schreiner, Schultheis, Schwab, Seifert, Shprenikel?, Shtaernagel (Sternhagel?), Shtirts (Sturtz), Shtreb (Strub), Siegel, Siegward, Sigwart (Seigward), Sokolowsky, Spengler, Spielmann, Stein, Steinlein, Stephan Svind (Schwindt?)
Tempel, Truts?, Utschmit, Val (Wahl), Venik, Vikert, Vil (Will), Virts, Vogel, Voog (Vogt?), Wagner, Walter, Weimer, Weisel, Will,
Kraft families who immigrated to America.
Asmus, Bauer, Becker, Bertram, Brandt, Butz, Conway, Eckhardt Fischer, Fisher, Foos, Fourtner, Gabel, Gammel, Geist, Graeb, Greb, Haffner, Hefner, Hein, Herber, Hoffman, Hopp, Huffman Karst, Koehler, Kraft, Krening, Kroskob,
Lauck, Lenhart, Lind, Loos, Loose, Manweiler, Meier, Melcher, Meyer, Neb, Needens, Niedens, Ostwald, Owl
Reed, Reichert, Reinhardt, Reisbeck, Reisig, Riffel, Roth, Ruhl, Ruppel, Rupple, Rusch, Sagel, Schauermann, Schillereff, Schimpf, Schimph, Schlothauer, Schlothauser, Schlotthauer, Schmidt, Schneider, Schreiner, Schultheiss, Schultz,
Seib, Sell, Sigwardt, Simon, Spadi, Stark, Stirtz, Teckovich, Temple, Trupp, Wagner, Ward, Weber, Weimer, Weirner, Wolf, Wymer, Yost
AHSGR Kraft Village Coordinator: Ron Burkett
[Lower Volga Project] [Dobrinka] [Dubovka] [Dreispitz] [Galka] [Holstein] [Kraft] [Mueller] [Shcherbakovka] [Schwab] [Stephan] [Of Interest] [Obituaries]